Wednesday 31 October 2007

Lady Mucc-Up

Oh dear Heather, when will you ever learn? Going on GMTV and then This Morning to express your fury at the media (who have made you who you are) is maybe not the brightest thing you've ever done. Just adding more fuel to the fire.

I was planning an early start, but was glued to my sofa as she launched into an astonishing rant about media intrusion - Fern and Philip had to keep on cutting to advertisment breaks just to try and calm her down. Although I almost fell off my sofa when she responded to Fern's comment that many celebrities, such as Madonna have to deal with press intrusion with the bizarre: "Yes, but Madonna is not responsible for eight countries..." And you are?! How, exactly?

It's already front page of the Evening Standard, and she is bound to get a grilling tomorrow. Heather, don't go on Dancing With The Stars, insist on a right to give interviews in your divorce battle, and then ask for the media to keep away.

Paul was famously a supporter of the Adopt A Minefield campaign. And hasn't he just.

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